Dork vader’s
Mobile Billboard Bot
***Bot under construction, please use the booking form***
Welcome to DorkVader’s Mobile Billboard Bot! Ready to launch your business into hyperspace? Our cost-effective and impactful mobile billboards will make your message as memorable as a Jedi mind trick in major cities like
San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, and New York City.
Exposures for new launches 🚀 and Presales!!!
Fill out the form below to schedule your mobile billboard. We require at least 2 days lead time before the day of service.
Book Your Billboard
Send the flat fee of 20 SOL to the DorkVaderBillboard Bot wallet at the following Solana address: 4ih13zNDRuJAWisn4gnUotsJUa2tmMeLtEc2NGdQ8MtN.
Details will also be provided upon booking.
Remit Payment
Ensure your video meets our requirements. If the content is deemed unacceptable, you will receive a refund.
Submit Your Content
Our billboard truck will display your content for 8 hours in the city of your choice. It’s like having your own personal Death Star delivering your message!
Enjoy the Exposure
How it Works?
Flat Fee Introductory Price:
20 SOL for 8 hours in any of the listed cities:
San Diego
Los Angeles
New York City
Don’t miss out, young Padawan!
Side Screens
◘ Dimensions: 6’5” x 11’5”
◘ Artwork Size: 1280 pixels x 720 pixels
Rear Screen
◘ Dimensions: 6’5” x 7’
◘ Artwork Size: 720 pixels x 720 pixels
LED Advertising Truck Art Specifications
To ensure your advertisement is displayed effectively on our LED trucks, please adhere to the following specifications. This will help us provide the highest quality service and visibility for your campaign.